Anybody can buy weed in Montana, it's legal here. I think there's a heavy tax if you don't have a medical card, but it still beats the quality and prices we use to pay in North Dakota from a dealer as kids.

I stopped smoking weed around 17 years old because of a panic attack. I smoked one bowl, the high was extremely intense, and it ended with 3-4 hours of anxiety. It was traumatizing, so I was quite hesitant to go anywhere near weed until I was in my mid to late 20's. Even then, I would only smoke a little bit and on rare occasions, such as camping or hanging outdoors with friends.

I've been chillin' in Montana for a couple months, and I know I can enjoy some of the benefits of weed without giving myself anxiety, so last night I went to a local weed shop and picked up three grams of an Indica strain called Wild Berry Fumes.

I chose Indica because it's supposed to be a body high, rather than a mental high, and I wanted to see if it would help me relax and sleep better at night. Perhaps it's something I can toss into my nightly routine for that good good sleep and chill. I won't be smoking morning or throughout the day because I like to keep my mind sharp for work and social interactions. But at night, when it's time to wind down, maybe smoking a little weed ain't so bad?

I packed up a bowl last night when I got home and took a couple cautious hits of this Wild Berry Fumes, then waited. I started to feel the effects in 5-10 minutes, and it was relaxing, maybe even inspiring. I sat down at my laptop and worked on a game idea I've had for some time. It went well, I was having fun and was able to accomplish a decent amount of work.

A couple hours later it was time for bed, so I packed up another bowl, and took a couple stronger hits, right before laying down. My night routine is to turn on a movie or tv show, but last night I was ready to pass the fuck out. I saw that as a good thing, I'd rather go to sleep at a better time and fast forward into the next day.

I've read that weed can negatively affect your sleep cycle, REM in particular. I'm not sure if that's a theory or has science to prove it, but I wear a Whoop to track my health, fitness, and sleep, so I was able to do my own science. Last night's sleep was excellent, it felt good, and the Whoop stats agreed.

REM and deep sleep are both above average, while light & awake are both below average. This is great, but this can also mean my body hasn't been getting enough REM or deep sleep lately and made up for it last night. So smoking weed didn't affect it negatively, and it potentially affected it positively.

I fell asleep around 1am and made it through the night totally unbothered.

Here my HRV and RHR are slightly better than usual. My HRV is naturally a bit low, I need to work on my fitness and anxiety. At my peak health I was seeing 60-70ms. If I've been drinking, it's 10-20ms. A RHR of 57 is pretty solid for me, especially in my current unathletic state. I haven't done any proper cardio or exercise for a couple months.

I'll be smoking weed before bed over the next few days, or weeks, to see how these numbers are affected over a period of time. It could throw my shit way off, but it could also be helpful. I probably wouldn't be doing this without a Whoop, because then it'd just be a "trust me bro" type of situation.