My left ankle is pretty fucked. I can walk normally, but it can't flex inward without pain, and I have to walk consciously so that it never flexes inward.

Here's a timeline about my left ankle.

~10 years ago, first injury, Minot, ND

I was at the skate park with my friend Isaac. I did a pop shove it off a box about 2 feet high, my left foot slipped off the front of the board, and I landed with nearly all of my weight on my left ankle while it was angled inward. This was the initial blow, what started it all.

~10 years ago, second injury, Mohall, ND

A week or so later I was skateboarding in a parking lot, going super-fast, and hit one of those tiny pebbles that stops you in your tracks. My left foot slid off the front, ankle rolled inward, fucked it up again. This time I went to the ER because surely it was fucked, but they scanned it and said it'll heal. It never healed.

~4 years ago, third injury, Clearfield, UT

I bought a Segway electric scooter. I like to have additional fun with things, so I started doing things like putting on its cruise control at 18mph and standing like a cross without my hands on the handlebar or attempting to ride wheelies. Riding a wheelie one day I go sideways, left ankle lands first on the pavement, also sideways, injured it again.

~4 years ago, fourth injury, Layton, UT

A week after the scooter accident I went to the gym for a leg day. Ankle felt okay, I thought I was good, but I did some heavy calf raises, later that night it was purple and bruised. I probably fucked something up internally without even realizing it, because the calf raises had no pain, but obviously something went wrong.

~3 weeks ago, fifth injury, Big Sky, MT

I was at my favorite local dive bar, Broken Spoke, bar was about to close, I was too drunk for my own good, and I tripped going down the stairs. Left foot, of course, caught my weight with a sideways ankle, fucked it up again. Since this injury it's been especially delicate and tingly.

September 25, 2024, Big Sky, MT

I scheduled an appointment with an orthopedist in Bozeman. I imagine something is torn, it's probably a permanent injury that requires surgery. I'll add to this timeline with more left ankle lore as it unravels.

October 3, 2024, Big Sky, MT

I had an MRI done today, here is the result:

  • Sprain of the superomedial band of the spring ligament.
  • Longitudinal split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon at the lateral malleolus.
  • Focal marrow edema in the inferior anterior process of the talus adjacent to the superomedial band of the spring ligament.

I'm not sure what any of that means other than "tear" and "sprain". Talking to my doctor about it on Monday. I'm interested in restoring my ankle to full capacity so that I can do intense athletic stuff, and this ankle has been mistreated for a decade, so I suspect a surgery is on the horizon.

October 15, 2024, Bozeman, MT

I went in for surgery. Doc said the tear wasn't too bad, he suspects we can take the cast off for my post-surgery checkup in two weeks. I chose spinal anesthesia, never really done any of this before, but it sounded like a good choice at the time. So, they stuffed a needle into my spine, gave me an IV and sedative, and all I remember is laying down on the bed then waking up in a different room asking a doctor if the surgery was done already, to which he replied "Yup!"

After waking up I couldn't feel or move anything below my waist for 30-45 minutes. Once I regained control of my good leg, they let me get dressed and a friend drove me home.

The total cost for all of this so far is around $6,000. I don't have insurance, but I do have a good chunk of savings, so I don't really care. Money is temporary, my ankle is forever.

October 16, 2024

The nerve blocker is still mostly in effect. I've had no pain, just a swollen, numb, unusable left foot. It sucks doing anything at all because I'm not supposed to put any weight on my left foot. It also doesn't help that I live up a flight of stairs.

I recruited my friend Trevor to pick up dinner and a care package today, super awesome and reliable dude, of course I got his dinner as well. I'll probably bug him a few more times in the next couple weeks.

I was prescribed Oxycodone 5mg, which I've only taken a few of so far because it's quite relaxing, and I've had a headache which is supposedly from the spinal injection.

It's just past midnight now and I'm regaining some feeling and control in my left foot, as well as mild pulses of pain here and there. I'm a bit worried the nerve blocker will wear off in my sleep, but not much I can do about it other than popping an oxy before bed.