I met with a girl from some dating app and we got on the topic of music. She told me her playlists are organized by mood, which I suspect is pretty normal. You might have a specific type of music for when you're happy, sad, excited, partying, working, or whatever.

I told her my playlists are organized by region. I'm discovering new music often, I'm also moving often. So, when I've moved to a new place, whatever new music I discover while living there gets attached to that temporary home I had, and the emotions I felt while there or when deciding to go to that place in particular. Nostalgia, basically.

When I moved to Montana, I wanted to live more socially and experience more nature. I did tons of that, met lots of awesome people, and saw lots of awesome nature things, like a bear standing on my porch when I came home one night, I just parked sat in my car until it was well gone. One of my songs for that region is Live Before I Die by Mike Posner. Whenever I hear it, it brings back those feel-good emotions and memories of Montana and reminds me of the life I wanted to live and things I wanted to improve about that life.

So, Mike Posner is in my Montana playlist.

One of my Utah artists is Magic City Hippies.

I only recently moved to Idaho and my playlist here isn't done yet. So far I've got Stick Figure (reggae-ish) and Zach Bryan (country-ish). Not much of a country person, but it's grown on me just a little bit while living here.

Someday I'll put these regional playlists together, and maybe another day I'll find out which one I like best to decide on a more permanent home.