My online alias is Crayz, my real name is Jake. I've created and published games, published content on YouTube for some time, built homes, drilled for oil, ride a motorcycle, and my ankle is damaged from falling while riding a wheelie on a Segway scooter. I tend to do things with more energy than thought.


I'm a game developer. My interest in game creation started as a hobby about 9 years ago in attempt to re-create surf and bunnyhop mechanics from Source Engine. Those early experiments live on today and have kept me engaged and interested in creating games throughout the years.

Drilling for oil

The North Dakota oil boom was at its peak when I graduated from high school. Most of my friends were doing it and making nearly 6 figures fresh out of high school, so I did it too. It was dangerous and incredibly hard, and I was good at it, but I also hated it. The typical cycle for young oil field workers was to make a lot of money, then spend a lot of money to forget about how shitty our work life is, I was no better.

Building homes

One of my close friends started a construction business, I worked beside him for some years. We started with offering whatever service we could to find work - drywall, framing, painting, plumbing, roofing, you name it. We landed a roofing job one summer and it paid very well, and we saw a market for it in the area, so I urged my friend to rebrand and specialize in roofing. We did that, and it was slow progress, but we went from being desperate to fix your roof to having so many roofs to fix that we didn't have enough labor to do it all. My friend still runs his roofing business to this day, he's booked out and struggles to take on more work.

Gym bro

I go to the gym religiously. It's the primary reason I left the oil field. I picked up a gym membership one day, realized how much I value my health and time, and I quit the oil field for good and never stopped going to the gym.

When I started it was all about gains and strength. Nowadays it's all about mental health, routine, getting away from the computer, and longevity.